Sunday, 25 September 2011

Muppets creator anniversary

Jim Henson (September 24th, 1936 - May 16th, 1990) was the creator of the Muppets (Los Teleñecos in the Spanish version), and the performer behind many of the most famous characters as Kermit the Frog (la rana Gustavo), Ernie (Epi)... 
They are creatures by Jim Henson for SesameStreet (Barrio Sésamo) an educational television programme designed for preschoolers which combines education and entertainment.
Several generations of the world have grown up with their characters and learned from them basic survival skills: not to eat crackers in bed with Bert and Ernie (Epi and Blas in the Spanish version), to know what is far and near with Coco, to ask ingenious questions with Kermit the Frog, ...
On September 24th the 75th anniversary of his birth was celebrated.
Here you can watch a Sesame Street video.  I hope you enjoy it.

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