Sunday, 25 July 2010

Galicia's National Day

On 25th July We celebrate the national day of our country "Galicia's National Day". It is also called "Day of the Galician Fatherland"(Día da Patria Galega) or simply "Galicia's Day". In words of Castelao: "The most important holiday of Galicia, the holiday of Galicians".

The origins of this celebration are gone up at 1919, when the Assembly of the Galicianist organization Irmandades da Fala met in the Galician capital, Santiago de Compostela. It was then decided to celebrate the National Day on the 25th of July of the following year. The date was chosen as it is the day dedicated to Saint James, patron saint of both Galicia and the Galician capital city. Irmandades da Fala organise the first Day from Galicia as an act of affirmation of our collective identity.

St. James, the apostle, is also the patron saint of Spain. The city where his remains are held, Santiago de Compostela, is considered the third most holy town after Jerusalem and Rome. The traditional pilgrimage to the grave of the saint, known as the "Way of St. James", has become the most popular pilgrimage for Western European Catholics. When 25th July falls on a Sunday, it is a ″Jubilee year", and a special east door is opened for entrance into the Santiago Cathedral.
This year 2010 is a Jubille year and this wonderful and historic city is full of people visiting and enjoying the special celebrations.

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